Do you want VIP benefits or view your VIP status? Connect your YouTube account to continue:

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or enter your YouTube handle:

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<- Your account -

<- Get VIP - Terms of service

Please read and accept the terms and conditions below.

The terms "donation" and "tip" are used interchangeably throughout this agreement. VIP is granted for 30 days (2 592 000 seconds) per USD $3 to individuals who donate at least USD $3 to with a specific code. By donating, you agree to the terms and conditions below. All donations are final and non-refundable. We do not guarantee specific perks or access. Benefits may change or be discontinued at any time without prior notice. Donations and VIP memberships do not constitute a contractual agreement or entitle the donor to any ownership, control, or guaranteed services from chocolateimage/AI Simpsons. We are not responsible for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or any other type of damages that may result from your use of the VIP membership. By donating, you acknowledge and accept this limitation of liability. We reserve the right to modify, suspend, or terminate the VIP program at our discretion.

<- Get VIP

To get VIP, you need to put the code given to you (including "VIP-") into the message box and you need to put in at least USD $3 into the tipping amount. If you do not do this, then you will not get your VIP membership. You will get at least 30 days of VIP. You should keep the code private.

Your VIP code

Your code is Put the code (including "VIP-") into the "Message" field else IT WON'T WORK, and at least USD $3!

If you are finished with tipping, reload this page and enter your handle again, then you should see your VIP status.

Please select a valid YouTube account.

VIP Benefits

Special effects

Use !effect to spawn a sandstorm or pop confetti! 🎉 (more coming soon)

Priority queue

Tired of waiting in the queue? With VIP you can get priority queue!

For only $3!

+ you can support the stream with it!